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- Island
Qualification at Master level is defined as:
Qualification obtained at a higher education institution where the holder has completed 30 – 120 ECTS credits of an organised study programme at the second cycle of higher education. Qualification at Master level includes qualifications which either do not include a research project, or the project is of less than 30 ECTS credits.
Examples of degrees and qualifications at this stage (2.1.) are: MPA, MBA, Diploma at Master level, Candidatus degree, etc.
Qualification obtained at a higher education institution where the holder has completed 30 – 120 ECTS credits of an organised study programme at the second cycle of higher education. Qualification at Master level includes qualifications which either do not include a research project, or the project is of less than 30 ECTS credits.
Examples of degrees and qualifications at this stage (2.1.) are: MPA, MBA, Diploma at Master level, Candidatus degree, etc.
- Holandija
Prema ovim slikama ako sam dobro razumeo u svim ovim drzavama moguce je zavrsiti master strukovne studije pa cak i doktorske...
ОдговориИзбришиAltair, ajde okaci sematski prikaz razvoja visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji iz Nacrta strategije razvoja visokog obrazovanja (str. 112.), da njega malo komentarisemo, jer je on najrealnije izradjen I ZA NJEGA TREBA DA SE BORIMO MI I KASSS.
okačen još aprila 2012